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"Be strong in the Lord and
never give up hope."

-Sidewalk Prophets

"Forgive and forget, but don't forget why you're here."

-Sidewalk Prophets

The Words I would Say-Sidewalk Prophets

The Words I Would Say by Sidewalk Prophets is a song that I feel I've known forever. I've played it way too many times to count-partially because it's catchy and partially because I love the lyrics. This song inspired me to write the words I would say to my younger self if I had the chance. With this piece, I came to the realization of everything that I have learned in the past eighteen years. I've made it through many tough times and I've also celebrated in many occasions. Who knew that only eighteen years could teach you so much?

A letter to my past self:

Dear Nicole,


     Trying to sum up my knowledge and wisdom I have collected over the past 18 years is a difficult task. I've been staring at this blank page for what seems like forever now, trying to compose the perfect words-because you know, I'm a perfectionist.

     Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Nicole, otherwise known as the older version of yourself. I am eighteen years old, and about ready to graduate from Sioux Central High School.  It's crazy how fast time goes. One day you wake up and you're eighteen, ready to graduate. Next, you'll blink and be thirty-five.

     Anyway, I'm writing this letter to give you a few tips on what I've learned and experienced throughout the years because I think it would have been nice to know 'back in the day'.


stay humble and kind: Tim McGraw says it all.. "always stay humble and kind." You will go through rough patches and tough times within your life. Sometimes, things are said, and they shouldn't be & other times, it is just a bad day. The most important part is to stay kind through it all. Be the person that is always nice & always caring. They always say, "kill them with kindness". Although it may seem like a hard task, it is possible. Staying humble in life is important as well. Do not boast or become self-centered because of your accomplishments. Be proud of yourself, yet keep striving for a goal that is even higher. Make it to that next level.


be passionate: Find a love for something. Be inspired by something. If you're not passionate about it, then you're wasting your time.


find happiness: Never settle for anything that makes you unhappy. If you aren't happy, go seek for something that will. You deserve to have a smile on your face everyday. So please, if you don't, make a change. Go and find your happiness.


be dedicated: You will never get better if you don't work towards your goal. Laying on the couch will not make you a faster runner, and sitting on the computer all day will not make you a better cook. It takes dedication and hardwork to achieve your goals. This means putting in extra time and extra work.


do your best: Always, always do your best & give your all. Never give anything less than your best. Homework, daily tasks, athletics, whatever you do, give it everything you have.


be adventurous: Explore this great, big world we live on. Travel. Be fun. Try something new. Remember, if it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.


think outside the box: Be creative. Stray from the norm & be different. Do not follow the crowd, follow your dreams. 


look on the bright side: Look at your challenges as opportunities to get better. See the glass as half full rather than half empty. Look on the bright side of things. You'll live a happier life with such positivity in your life. 


enjoy the little things: Remember the little things just as much as the big things. Remember the way the door creaks open every night when dad comes home. Remember the clank of mama's heels against the wooded kitchen floors every morning. Before you know it, you won't get to experience that everyday. So take it in- all of those little things, because in all reality, those little moments are just as important as the big ones.


learn from it: You will make mistakes & have failures in your life. Learn from them. Take away from them. Do not fear these mistakes & failures. No. These mistakes and failures give you the opportunity to get better- to be successful. So learn. Take it in and adjust.


    Throughout the past eighteen years of my life, I have encountered many triumps and failtures. While many important lessons have been learned through these events. I hope you take my advice into consideration as you grow as an individual.  


Best of luck,











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